Wednesday, February 1, 2012

I miss him

Well, the husband has been in S Korea for about 3 months now.... and man, it never gets easy. I miss him so much it's unbelievable. I keep feeling like my life is a hodgepodge of John Mayer songs -- half of my heart's got a grip on the situation, half of my heart takes time.

On top of that, I have been trying VERY hard to not talk about people.. Living at Fort Sill, I got myself into some uneasy situations because I didn't keep the reigns pulled tight on my tongue. I feel really bad for talking about some of the wives like I did, but I learned my lesson and I will never be that person again. I pray for those gals every night but I bet they have no idea. I just hope that some people out there are praying for me too. My facebook friends admire my strength and positivity throughout this short tour, but I feel like they see something in me that I don't see in myself. I have never thought of myself as particularly strong. I hope that some of them realize that I still need prayer and kind words to make it though.

On a good note, I am almost done with my last english class at Ashford University! I just love taking online classes, they are so simple. This last class has been horrible though on account of my professor -- he picks on me. In all of our discussion posts I have to do twice the amount of work for the same exact grade. This is the story of my life: work twice as hard for what others are handed. BUT, it makes me a stronger, better person.

I was thinking yesterday how it is so amazing how God works in our lives. Everyone always tells me that "it's in God's plan" and "everything happens for a reason," but until you find out those reasons you never really believe it. Well, I have moved more times than years I am old, mostly due to my mom and my completely split up family. I never understood why all my friends only had two houses in their entire lives and I had to constantly fit my whole life into boxes. WELL, I figured it out. God was preparing me for the Army life with my sweet hubby. He knew I would need the moving skills and BOY have they come in handy! All we do is move. And.... drum role, please! I am moving to S Korea soon! As soon as our Command Sponsorship gets approved I will be headed 7,000 mi West to be with my solder!

I am so blessed for what I have and what I don't have, I pray that you are feeling blessed today too!


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